Reason for leaving the last usual residence (code) (B6_q21)
File: Block-6--Persons-Usual-activity- migration-Records
Type: Discrete
Format: character
Width: 1
Valid cases: 160538
Invalid: 0
Questions and instructions
Literal question
Reason for leaving the last usual residence (code)
1 In search of employment 8337 5.2%
2 In search of better employment 7276 4.5%
3 Under transfer on service/business contract 6500 4.0%
4 For pursuing studies 2736 1.7%
5 On marriage 91539 57.0%
6 Due to migration of parent(s) earning member(s). 29177 18.2%
7 For political change/lack of security of social adjustment. 3284 2.0%
8 Due to natural calamity. 380 0.2%
9 Due to other reason 11309 7.0%
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
The reason for moving out of the last usual residence will be ascertained for each migrant member and entered in terms of the specified codes in this column. It may so happen that a person had moved out of his last usual residence for a particular reason, stayed in a different village/town for a short period (less than 6 months; if this period is 6 months or more that place will become his last usual residence) and then moved to the place of enumeration ( a village or town other than the previous one) for a different reason. In such a case only the reason which motivated his/her first movement will be recorded.