Region (Region)
File: Block-1-3-Household-Records
Type: Discrete
Format: character
Width: 1
Valid cases: 115409
Invalid: 0
Regions are hierarchical domains of study below the level of State/ Union T erritory in the NSS.
Questions and instructions
Literal question
1 Region 1 42992 37.3%
2 Region2 31407 27.2%
3 Region 3 19394 16.8%
4 Region 4 14781 12.8%
5 Region 5 4443 3.8%
6 Region 6 1282 1.1%
7 Region 7 1110 1.0%
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.